Fredrik Dahlborg, Managing Director VDL

“Persontrafik provides us and our entire organization with the opportunity to meet the entire public transportation industry in an efficient manner. We have the opportunity to engage with operators, traffic authorities, and other colleagues in the industry during a few intense days.”

What does a meeting place like Persontrafik mean to you?
Persontrafik provides us and our entire organization with the opportunity to meet the entire public transportation industry in an efficient manner. We have the opportunity to engage with operators, traffic authorities, and other colleagues in the industry during a few intense days. We can listen and learn from them while also having the opportunity to share what our company stands for, our thoughts, and what we can offer.

Did you have a good exhibition this time?
Absolutely. We were very satisfied with the exhibition in October. Firstly, the timing was perfect with the launch of our new generation of electric buses, and we were able to showcase the new VDL Citea on Swedish soil for the first time at the exhibition. Secondly, we gained many insights and ideas from the exhibition, which is highly valuable as the industry is rapidly evolving and transitioning to electric public transportation.

Any unexpected meetings or new contacts that stood out?
We are extremely pleased with everyone we had the privilege to meet. The interest in VDL and the new generation of electric buses was tremendous. We had anticipated many visitors, but our expectations were exceeded. We are thrilled.